Salon meets Agora / Literary Mapping of the Mediterranean
Program of the International Festival Split, 27. 11. – 5. 12. 2021.
We adhere to all epidemiological safety measures: Covid certificate + masks + distance |
Saturday, 27. 11.
11.00 h / Public City Library Marko Marulić
● Prelude to the Festival: Children’s program
Bruno Ćurko – Workshops with Split Scouts:
1) „Beagle i glavata želva” 2) „Anuška sredozemna medvjedica“, 3) Kviz „Što znam o Mediteranu”
12.00 / Ethnographic Museum
● Opening of the Photo Exhibition “My Mediterranean: Many Greetings from Albania, Croatia, Libya, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Malta, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey”
Photos by the authors of the project “Salon meets Agora” (
Responsible for the organization: Culture Hub Croatia & Udruga SpLitera
Wednesday, 01. 12. 2021.
19.00 – 23.00 h / Kavana Bellevue
Authors from Split read from their works. (10-minute intervals reading + Music).
Moderation: Alida Bremer
Jasen Boko, Tonka Alujević, Jurica Pavičić, Ivica Ivanišević, Siniša Kekez, MUSIC Intermezzo – Duo Fascination (Tanja Čudina Bratković & Marija Mračević)
Dragan Markovina, Marina Vujčić, Renato Baretić, Anela Borčić, Edi Matić
20.00 / Hotel Bellevue
● Get together with international guests, local authors, representatives of the city and cultural institutions, representatives of project partners and the press.
Friday, 3. 12. 2021.
10.00 / Walk and Talk in the City 1 / (Please be on time!)
● Salon & Agora by Ivica Profaca / Start in front of the Hotel Bellevue
11.00 / Ethnographic Museum
● Visit of the photo exhibition
● The first conversation: Jasen Boko (CRO), Jonathan Bousfield (GB/CRO) and Uwe Rada (D) about travel literature, wanderlust, longing and tourism. Moderation: Tanja Radmilo
12.30 – Continuation of the city tour
13.30 / Kavana Central / Snack
● The second conversation: Francesca Borri (I) and Jurica Pavičić (CRO) on social and political developments on the coasts of the Mediterranean.
Moderation: Edi Matić
18.30 / Hotel Bellevue / Dinner for participants
Mediterranean Origin in a Suitcase – About Migrations and Writing: Alem Grabovac (D), Ivna Žic (CH), Dragica Rajčić Holzner (CH)
Moderacija: Alida Bremer
● Muic & performance: Matjaž Pikalo (SLO)
● The Mediterranean Reads: Gonca Özmen (TR), Naywa Bin Shatwan (LB), Núria Añó (Catalania – E)
● Mediterranean from the point of view of cultural anthropology: On islands, migrations, identities and allegiances, tourism and other important issues of the Mediterranean.
The conversation between: Virginia Monteforte (MLT) i Tomislav Oroz (HR). Moderation: Vilma Benković
Saturday, 4. 12. 2021.
10.00 / Walk and Talk in the City 2. (Please be on time!)
● Salon & Agora by Ivica Profaca / Start in front of the Hotel Bellevue
11.30 / The Hall of the Literature Circle Split
● The third conversation: Ralph Hammerthaler (D), Arianne von Graffenried (CH) and Renato Baretić (CRO) – How to write theatre texts and scripts and how to show today’s situation on the Mediterranean with the means of the performing arts and film?
Moderation: Bruna Bebić
12.30 / Continuation of the city tour
13.30 / Cafe bar Luxor – Snack
● The fourth conversation: Andrej Nikolaidis (MNE), Senka Marić (B&H), Dragan Markovina (CRO) and Matjaž Pikalo (SLO) about the (difficult) neighborhoods on the Adriatic coast – about ecology, borders, the necessity of cooperation, tourism.
Moderation: Tanja Radmilo
18.30 / Hotel Bellevue / Dinner for participants
20.00 / Scena A UMAS (Arts Academy in Split)
● The short introduction: „Our Mediterranean: Reflections, Crises and Dialogues Between Three Continents“
Director of the Goethe-Institut Zagreb Matthias Müller-Wieferig
● The Mediterranean Reads (10-min. intervals reading) + Music and Performance + Theater / Moderation: Alida Bremer.
Marija Dejanović (HR/GR), Francoise Beaune (F), Andrej Nikolaidis (CG)
● Muis and performance: Fitzgerald & Rimini (CH)
● RAMO Thek-Zeroual (MRC), Ines Abassi (TUN), Nebojša Lujanović (CRO), Senka Marić (B&H)
● Anja Ostojić: An excerpt from the performance “The Sand Child” (based on the novel by Moroccan author Tahar Ben Jelloun)
21.30 / Marvlvs Library Jazz Bar
● Closing of the festival
Sunday, 5. 12. 2021.
Salon susreće Trg / Književno mapiranje mediterana
Program of the International Festival
Split, 27. 11. – 5. 12. 2021.
Pridržavamo se svih epidemioloških sigurnosnih mjera: Covid potvrda + maske + razmak |
Subota, 27. 11.
11.00 h / Gradska Knjižnica Marka Marulića
12.00 / Etnografski muzej Split
Odgovorni za organizaciju: Culture Hub Croatia & Udruga SpLitera
Srijeda, 01. 12. 2021.
19.00 – 23.00 h / Kavana Bellevue
20.00 / Hotel Bellevue
● Druženje s međunarodnim gostima i lokalnim autorima, predstavnicima grada i kulturnih institucija, predstavnicima partnera projekta i medija.
Petak, 3. 12. 2021.
10.00 / Đir po gradu
● Salon & Agora s Ivicom Profacom / Polazak ispred hotela Bellevue
11.00 / Etnografski muzej Split
● Obilazak izložbe fotografija
● Prvi razgovor: O putopisnoj književnosti, zovu daljine, čežnji i turizmu
Jasen Boko (HR), Jonathan Bousfield (GB/HR) and Uwe Rada (D). Moderacija: Tanja Radmilo
12.30 – Nastavak Đira po gradu
13.30 / Kavana Central / Snack
● Drugi razgovor: O aktualnim društvenim i političkim događanjima na obalama Sredozemlja
Francesca Borri (I) i Jurica Pavičić (HR) / Moderacija: Edi Matić
18.30 / Hotel Bellevue / Večera za sudionike
● Mediteran s točke gledišta kulturne antropologije: O otocima, migracijama, identitetima i pripadanjima, o turizmu i drugim važnim temama Mediterana.
Razgovor: Virginia Monteforte (MLT) i Tomislav Oroz (HR)
Moderacija: Vilma Benković
Subota, 4. 12. 2021.
10.00 / Đir po gradu 2.
● Salon & Agora s Ivicom Profacom / polazak ispred hotela Bellevue
11.30 / Dvorana Književnog kruga Split
● Drame, scenariji, scenska prikazivanja – Na koji način sredstvima dramske i filmske umjetnosti prikazati situaciju na Mediteranu danas?
Ralph Hammerthaler (D), Arianne von Graffenried (CH) i Renato Baretić (HR)
Moderacija: Bruna Bebić
12.30 / Nastavak Đira po gradu
13.30 / Kavana Luxor – Snack
● Komplicirana susjedstva na Jadranskoj obali – o ekologiji, granicama i neminovnosti suradnje
Andrej Nikolaidis (CG), Senka Marić (BH), Dragan Markovina (HR) and Matjaž Pikalo (SLO)
Moderacija: Tanja Radmilo
18.30 / Hotel Bellevue / Večera za sudionike
● Kratki uvod: “Naš Mediteran: Zrcaljenja, krize i dijalozi između tri kontinenta“
Ravnatelj Goethe-Instituta iz Zagreba Matthias Müller-Wieferig
● Mediteran čita (10-minutni intervali čitanja) + Muzika i performans + Teatar
Moderacija: Alida Bremer
Marija Dejanović (HR/GR), Francoise Beaune (F), Andrej Nikolaidis (CG)
● Muzika i performans: Fitzgerald & Rimini (CH)
● RAMO Thek-Zeroual (MRC), Ines Abassi (TUN), Nebojša Lujanović (HR), Senka Marić (BH)
● Anja Ostojić: Ulomak iz predstave “Dijete od pijeska” (po romanu marokanskog autora Tahar Ben Jellouna)
21.30 / Marvlvs Library Jazz Bar
● Zatvaranje festivala
Nedjelja, 5. 12. 2021.
Split Lit Int |
Kako se danas, u doba izlaska iz pandemije, drastičnih klimatskih promjena, surovog ratnog sukoba u susjedstvu, izbjegličke i migrantske krize živi na Mediteranu?
Na obalama Mediterana su oduvijek živjeli znanstvenici i umjetnici, graditelji i putnici, no „kolijevka europske kulture“ se već dugo vremena bori s mnogim teškoćama. S onu stranu neupitne čarolije prirode i tradicije i reklama turističkih agencija Sredozemlje je opterećeno političkim, etničkim i religioznim konfliktima, migracijama, ekološkim katastrofama, korupcijom, nezaposlenošću i brigom za budućnost. Cilj našeg projekta je
Internetski projekt splitske kulturne udruge SpLitera pretvara se već dvije godine u zbirku virtualnih „razglednica“ (Salon meets Agora) koje iz raznih zemalja Sredozemlja šalju pjesnici, novinari, pisci i stručnjaci za različite teme koje se tiču zajedničke budućnosti ovog mora i njegovih obala.
Nekad se u Parizu ili u Berlinu diskutiralo, muziciralo i čitalo po salonima, a na Mediteranu po trgovima, stoga se festival Split Lit Int odvija pod motom „Salon susreće Agoru“ – književno mapiranje Mediterana.
U 2022. planiramo 2. festival Split Lit Int – s predviđenih više od 40 sudionika sa svih obala Mediterana – od Maroka do Izraela, od Turske do Španjolske, od Slovenije do Albanije, od Francuske do Italije, uz bogati program u rasponu od ekološko-književnih radionica za djecu preko izložbe fotografija do diskusija na zanimljive teme, večernjih čitanja, muziciranja, pjesničkih i glumačkih performansa.
The official introduction and opening of our festival occured on the first of December, held at the legendary Hotel Bellevue[1] in Split, Croatia. The evening programme, titled „The secret literary capital of the Mediterranean“ took place in the Bellevue cafe with personal readings and discussion by Croatian and local authors (Tonka Alujević, Jasen Boko, Renato Baretić, Edi Matić, Dragan Markovina, Jurica Pavičić, Ivica Ivanišević, Siniša Kekez, Marina Vujčić, Anela Borčić) with Alida Bremer at the helm as the charming moderator keeping everything fluid. In between multiple readings there was a musical intermezzo by Duo Fascination (Tanja Čudina Bratković & Marija Mračević) in which popular songs were covered instrumentally with the violin and the cello. In the background, our volunteers worked subtly and dilligently to ensure that the epidemiological safety measures were adhered to so our guests and participants could enjoy themselves with no worries. ([1] The hotel is located in the center of the city, near the most important cultural and historical sites, including the Diocletian’s Palace which our guests got to explore during our city tours. The building which houses the Hotel now was built in the 19th century as a typical palace of the time with its facade closing one side of the Prokurative, the biggest town square which represents the heart and sould of Split with its extraordinary acoustics and high popularity for hosting numberous musical and theatrical performances.) December 2nd The following day our international guests started arriving from early morning until the evening, where they were escorted back to the historical Bellevue Hotel for some rest and later on dinner and introductions. Along with our international guests others such as local authors, representatives of the city and cultural institutions joined us as well for greetings and well wishes. It was a very cosy get-together and the best way to get to know each other in a small circle without an audience. With everyone well rested and eager, our programme started in full swing with part one of the city tour „Walk and Talk in the City 1“ led by the professional guide, intriguingly detailed and highly capable Ivica Profaca. Our guests had the pleasure (as did we) to explore the city core and sometimes forgotten parts of our complicated historical tapestry. Also, scattered through various locations of the tour we would be ‘ambushed’ by the young student actors of the Academy of Performing Arts where they would perform parts of Judita, an epic poem written by Marko Marulić, „the father of Croatian literature“. The actors recited or sang the texts in an impressive ambience and our guests were given the English version of the poem. The first stop was at the Etnographic Museum of Split in which they have graciously participated by hosting our photo exhibition „My Mediterranean: Many Greetings from Albania, Croatia, Libya, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Malta, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey”. The exhibition, which showcased personal photographs that the authors participating in the festival sent us (available also via our website), served as a backdrop for the first round table talk. We realised this exhibition with our project partners from Culture Hub Croatia. Topics such as travel literature, wanderlust, longing and tourism were expanded on and discussed by Jasen Boko (CRO), Jonathan Bousfield (GB/CRO) and Uwe Rada (D), with Tanja Radmilo (CRO) serving as the moderator. The second part of the tour took us even deeper into the city core with our guide peppering us with details and historical intricacies that even most of the locals could not say that they’re familiar with. As the tour winded down we were greeted in the Café Central for some sustenance and our second table talk. This one was hosted by our very own Edi Matić and it concerned the issues of social and political developments on the coasts of the Mediterranean, with After a well-earned rest and dinner, the evening programme began with the third talk, “Mediterranean Origin in a Suitcase – About Migrations and Writing” moderated by our Alida Bremer (D), further expounded on by Alem Grabovac (D) and Dragica Rajčić Holzner (CH). Mrs. Ivna Žic (CH) had a special appearance with a video link because she was prevented from coming to Split at the last minute due to (the risk of a pandemic related to her work). A brief pause was filled with the musical talents and performance by Matjaž Pikalo (SLO) and his trusty accordion which proved to be quite the invigorating half-time show. Gonca Ozmen (TR) and Najwa Bin Shatwan (LB) also gifted us with their very own readings, with Ms Ozmen truly impressing with an unexpected fast paced, rap styled, performance in Turkish. The days programme was finished off with a more scientific approach to the various issues the Mediterranean faces. The “Mediterranean from the point of view of cultural anthropology: On islands, migrations, identities and allegiances, tourism and other important issues of the Mediterranean” was moderated by Vilma Benković (CRO) while the speakers were a pair of accomplished anthropologists Virginia Monteforte (MLT) and Tomislav Oroz (CRO). December 4th In the same vein as the previous day, Saturday started off with the second part of the city tour with Mr. Profaca with our first stop being in The Hall of the Literature Circle Split. Before the table talk started we had the pleasure of learning more about the legendary Marko Marulić and his works. The fourth talk, moderated by Bruna Bebić (CRO), included Ralph Hammerthaler (D), Arianne von Graffenried (CH) and Renato Baretić (CRO). The topic at hand delved into the creation of theatrical texts and scripts and how to show todays situation on the Mediterranean with the performing arts and film. The tour continued into the early afternoon before ending on Peristil at the Café Luxor for a snack and another conversation concerning ecology, borders, the necessity of cooperation, and tourism. Our guests Senka Marić (BiH), Dragan Markovina (CRO) and Matjaž Pikalo (SLO) crafted an intriguing narrative which had captured the attention of both our party as well as the other (lucky) occupants of the café. After another break and dinner everyone gathered in front of the Bellevue Hotel and proceeded to walk to the Arts Academy of Split, catching sight of the ice rink and festivities in the Strossmayer Park (or better know locally as Đardin). At the Academy we were greeted with the Director of the Gothe-Institut Zagreb Matthias Müller-Wieferig with a short introduction on “Our Mediterranean: Reflections, Crises and Dialogues Between Three Continents”. Following the introduction we had another part of the “Mediterranean Reads” readings and discussions, this time by Senka Marić (BiH), Ines Abassi (TUN), Nebojša Lujanović (CRO) and Marija Dejanović (HR/GR). A musical performance by Fitzgerald & Rimini entranced the audience with a genuinely eclectic sound, most definitely earning them new fans. The festivals busy schedule came to a close at the Marvlvs Library Jazz Bar where everyone got to relax, socialize and celebrate with a night cap or two. December 5th Sunday was the day designated for the departure of our participants throughout the day. Some who had flights later on in the day, such as the impressive Francesca Borri, stuck around a while longer and participated in a interview regarding her work and general impressions. Others explored the city a bit more, socialized and got ready for the trip back. Overall impression: As part of the organization I can say with the utmost certainty that our first ever, modest and hectic festival, was a success as much as the limits and epidemiological restraints allowed us to be. Perhaps a bit more even. The participants had nothing but kind words to say, and after a bit of a slow first evening (with most being tired from the trip, but we can also blame the South wind for some feeling some type of way), everyone relaxed so the atmosphere was jovial the entire duration of the festival. One of the most impressive things was the media coverage of our work. Otherwise not exactly over-enthusiastic when it comes to culture, Croatian media have enthusiastically and extensively covered our festival from the very beginning. First, the local TV station „Jadran“ discussed all the details of the project and the festival in a long programme with Alida Bremer and Edi Matić, than, next day on the Croatian radio HRT programme was a talk and presentig of the full festival programm by Edi Matić; Than on the first evening the first programme of the state TV HRT was present – the report of our festival opened the most popular cultural programme that evening „Vijesti iz kulture“. In addition, the newspaper “Slobodna Dalmacija” (1) (2), (3), (4) the most important newspaper on the Croatian coast, presented the programme and the organisers with several large articles and published several interviews day after day (front page and double pages). Also various internet portals (Dalmacija Danas and Dalmatinski portal) covered the story about the festival. We were thrilled and amazed by the interest and it gives us huge hope that our project in Split will become very well established. We are very optimistic for the future of our small association and have high hopes of making our festival a staple of the winter season in our windy town, and maybe even take it on the road.
Francesca Borri (I) and Jurica Pavičić (CRO) elaborating more on the topic with their both professional and personal diagnosis.