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Edi Matić / Split / Dalmatia
Born in 1962, studied electrical engineering in Split-Croatia.During the war in ex-Yougoslavia he had run peace and humanitarian organization in Croatia and Bosna Herzegowina.
Initiator and coproducer of the musical The Sarajevo Circle.
Until 2012 he had a private agency for graphic design, organization of concerts, music and video production.
2007 – 2020 launched the art/cultural association. Organized (and technically serves) Croatian and then international appearances at book fairs in Leipzig, Vienna, Frakfurt, Tirana and Sofia;
Freelance writer, member of the Croatian freelance artists association, member of the Governing board of the Croatian writers association, honnored memeber of P.E.N. of Bosnia and Herzegowina
Artistic work:
♦ Novel Pop (Hena com, 2020)
♦ Novel Regija Stranaca (Hena com, 2016.)
♦ Novel Grimalda (Ljevak, 2012.) Literary Prize Steiermärkische Bank (translation and publication of the novel in the publishing house Leykam, Graz/Austria). Also published in Serbia and Macedonia
♦ Novel Ovdje fali ženska ruka (Ljevak, 2008.)
2008 nominated for the national literary award Cyclops;
♦ Short stories, poems and articles published in collections and journals (Croatia, Montenegro,Turkey,Serbia, Bulgaria, Austria, Germany, Macedonia) https://www.asymptotejournal.com/fiction/edi-matic-zeetza/
– 2012 solo exhibition of photographs at the gallery Art Point in Vienna;
– solo exhibition of photos in Photogallery im Rathaus Graz;
– Exhibition of photographs Forum Europe – Leipzig Book Fair;
– Photo exhibition at the Cultural Center of Vis / Vis summer;
– 2015 – solo street photo exhibition for a Day of homeless people.