Postals del Mediterrani:

CATALUNYA, per Núria Añó Catalunya ha viscut des dels seus inicis una cruïlla de cultures i influències. Antigament, en aquesta part de la península ibèrica s’escrivia en llatí, en àrab o en hebreu. També actualment, els catalans tenim la particularitat de ser bilingües, doncs una part de la població som catalans natius, altres, catalans d’adopció, i parlar dues llengües ens aporta com a poble una bellesa estranya.

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  Translated by Joannes W. M. Groenewege

Since its beginnings, Catalonia has lived at the crossroads of cultures and influences. In the past, in this part of the Iberian Peninsula, people used to write in Latin, Arabic and Hebrew. Today, we Catalans also have the peculiarity of being bilingual, because part of the population are native Catalans, others are adopted Catalans, and the fact that we speak two languages gives us, as a people, a strange beauty. Proof of this is that this territory has been the birthplace of great internationally renowned writers, both in Catalan and Spanish.

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