♦ Živim u gradu koji je u stalnoj potrazi za svojim identitetom.
Živim u tijelu koje je u stalnoj mijeni. Živim u jeziku koji je moj koliko i bilo kojeg političara. Živim u kući koju sam izgradio.
Grad otkriva svoje ulice sve brojnijem turistu. Porast je eksponencijalan, s jednog turista, koji je pogrešno skrenuo s ceste za Dalmaciju, jer je vidio znak za trajekt, došli smo na dva, a turistička zajednica više ne može, kao dosad, na ljetni kolektivni godišnji odmor.
NOSIM SE KAO ŠTO GRAD NOSI prvo ih nema djeca naganjaju Moje tijelo više ne može pratiti ono što um misli da bi tijelo trebalo. Imam 44 godine, to je normalno. Iz prstiju bi da mi cure patetični izljevi poput: postao sam rob svojeg tijela, ili: moram pomaknuti svijet da bi mi tijelo funkcioniralo kako treba, ili: odustanem od putovanja kada shvatim što sve moram spremiti ili ponijeti sa sobom samo da bi mi tijelo radilo. Onda se odmorim u jeziku. SPREMIM JEZIK U RAKETU raketa nije veća od mene Ali. PROMIJENIM SE I ODJEDNOM konzervu očaja koji je hranio gladna Iz moje ulice, slijepe ulice, barem za automobile, put vodi u šumu, na mlinove. Nikada nisam bio tamo. Ali planiram to učiniti. Tamo ima stranaca. Koji nisu turisti. Nekada ih zovu migranti, da ne bi rekli izbjeglice pa udarili po vlastitoj savjesti. Onoj iz devedesetih. Svi smo mi migrant. POSRĆEM ŠUMOM JA SAM ne tražim pasoš ne trebam eure Nisam samo ja, iako se ponekad tako čini. Moja kuća, koja nije baš potpuno moja, u mom je gradu, koji nije zapravo moj, koji je u mojoj državi, a koja nikada nije ni bila moja. Nikada nisam osjetio ponos zbog pripadnosti, bilo čemu. Možda je to moj problem i možda je ekološki. OKRENEM STROP I HODAM svjetlo ne pada pravocrtno Onda sam dosjetka. Ili se tako čini ciničnom oku. ADRESIRAM SVOJE STRAHOVE U najbolji put do mog srca je U kući koju sam izgradio je i hostel. Hostel je propao ove sezone, još jedna tiha žrtva virusa. Želim kupiti taj hostel, koji je moj prvi susjed. Želim kupiti mog prvog propalog susjeda, jer onda ću znati koji je, kakav i od čega. Kupit ću ga da ga izgradim, kao što sam izgradio i kuću koju sam cijeli život htio, u gradu u koji sam došao, u ulicu koju si crtam kao dragu otkad sam je prvi put vidio, koju grad ne voli, gdje je kvadrat jeftin, ali donedavno ipak mi nedostižan. Sada kada je sve to tu, nije ostalo drugo nego prionuti poslu. Zen i umjetnost fugiranja ciglenog zida. Uzmeš jednu mjericu bijelog cementa, jednu mjericu riječnog pijeska, tzv. „nule“, u to umijesiš petinu bijelog ljepila za pločice i vode do konzistencije gustog šlaga. Pustiš da odstoji pet minuta. Uzmeš gleter i fugajzlu i kreneš. Uštediš novce koje nemaš, nalaziš majstora kakvog više nema u gradu koji gradi kuće samo za turiste, kojih opet nema, tek što su došli, jer virus… jer što bi se taj majstor mučio s tamo nekom ciglom, pa još unutra, u dnevnoj sobi. Tko je to vidio u doba knaufa. Metamorfoza. Dom. IMAM DVA SINA nacrtala osmijehe od čokolade Kada izgradiš kuću, za sebe i sve tvoje, preseliš se potpuno u jezik. Od njega ne možeš pobjeći. IZGRADIM KUĆU OTVORIM JOJ učestalost kuće u mojoj kući ono
lopte rastu pored suza ispred
vrtića maminih potresa zbog
fantomski otkinutih udova
onda se odjednom pojave
nose ih njihove brade maskare
gihtovi hemeroidi granulomi
čukljevi katarakte vode u koljenima
ljudi dolaze i dolaze
njihove duše su bezgranični prostori
slobode omeđeni propadajućim
tijelima ali tko može reći da istina
ikada izlazi na vidjelo kad je jezik
najmanje cijenjeni organ vida
ali milijun je puta ubojitija
66 raketa stavim na leđa
nosim kroz mračnu šumu
svaka stopa izmjerena je
slovom prirodnog zakona
66 raketa stisne moja leđa led
na njima ulazi u povijenu kičmu
kada dođem pred raketni bacač
manji sam od kristala vode
tražim svoje agregatno stanje
i mjerim
koliko topline u jednom običnom
dječja usta i cvao u proljeće uvijek u
proljeće Sunce u prozoru moglo je
promijeniti tijek igre da nevidljivi
neprijatelj nije već bio pred vratima
a kad se kuća počela preslagivati
očaj je pobjegao iz karantene mutirao
u paralizu i sad hara hara kao da
ništa na ovom svijetu nije vrijedno
riječi koje je nemoguće izgovoriti
ni mobitel rezervne gaće ako mi
pred granicom popuste crijeva
moja šuma nije tamna i strana
utroba kita koja probavlja snove
kao boćata pomorska policija
za mojim stopama ne trče bijesni
psi i odore koje posrćući pucaju
iz svojih pištolja ne ja nisam taj
migrant moje migracije iscrpljuju
obzori u kojima se tvoj pogled toči
na kockice leda u kristalnoj čaši
one nisu egzistencijalne
i pomalo ih se sramim a opet
ako postojim samo kao prazan
utor za tvoju glavu na mom
ramenu moje migracije su teške kao
kap s tvog nosa kad si ono odlazila
šume su daleka postrojenja
u bruto nacionalnom dohotku
sudjeluju s 10 posto kisika
ostalo dolazi iz saborskih hodnika
po kojima se šire mirisi dinstane
kapule i pravedničkog znoja
meso koje su izrezali za ručak
nije zaboravilo svoje kosti
sjajan kamen temeljac za
pluća poreznih obveznika
kojima tlo izmiče podove
između četvrtog i petog rebra
i kućicu od marmelade
pogled se popne po užetu kao
čigra po moždanoj kori
igra s tvrdim č
koja će zamijeniti karte
što vode do one kuće preko
kičmi bogova koji pamte
prokletnici sve te izmaštane
čardake ni na nebu ni na nebu
sutra ćemo zatvoriti
dvadeset peto poglavlje o
pristupu u uniju zaborava
a udaljenost koju budu
mjerili između nas dijelit
će na sve dječje rođendane
koji će paliti svjećice kao
fitilje na slatkim
je što me zanima i gdje se sakriti
kada neprijatelj napadne koliko
siguran možeš biti ti zastava srca
otvori svoje ja provjeri učestalost
sebe u sebi i razmisli gdje si se
sakrio u kojim plućima te nema
kojem krvotoku bistrom potoku
on teče iza kuće sav sazdan od
potoka koji podriva temelje ruši
koliko potoka u tom potoku!
koliko zemlja u toj mrkloj cigli
♦ I live in a city that is on constant lookout for its identity.
I live in a body forever changing. I live in a language belonging in the same way to me and any politician. I live in a house built by my own hands.
The city reveals its streets to the ever-increasing population of tourists. The growth is exponential; from one tourist, seeing a ferry sign and taking a wrong turn from the road to Dalmatia, we jumped to two making it impossible for Tourist Board to go on collective annual leave as before.
CARRYING MYSELF JUST AS CITY CARRIES at first there are no people children chase after My body is no longer in line with what my mind thinks my body should do. I am 44, it is normal. I would like pathetic outbursts such as: I have become a slave to my body, or I have to move the world for my body to function properly, or I give up travelling when I realize what I have to pack or take with me just for my body to work — to slip through my fingers. Then I rest in language. I PACK LANGUAGE IN A ROCKET a rocket is no bigger than I am But. I CONVERT AND ALL OF A SUDDEN that fed hungry children’s mouths and blossomed in spring From my street, which is a dead end, at least for cars, a road takes you towards forest, to the mills. I have never been there. But I plan to go. There are aliens there. Not tourists. People sometimes call them migrants to avoid using refugees and stirring their own conscience. Dating from the nineties. We are all a migrant. I STUMBLE THROUGH FOREST I AM I want no passport I need no euros It is not just me, although it might look like that from time to time. My house, that is not quite completely mine, is in my city, that is not mine, actually, in my country, that has never been mine. I have never felt proud of belonging, to anything. That might be my problem and it might be ecological. light does not fall down in a straight line Then I am a joke. Or so it seems to a cynical eye. I ADDRESS MY FEARS TO the best way to my heart is There is also a hostel in the house I built. The hostel has gone under this season, as another silent victim of the virus. I want to buy that hostel, my next-door neighbour. I want to buy my ruined next-door neighbour because then I am going to find out what it is and what it is made of. I will buy it in order to build it, just like I built the house that I wanted my whole life, in the city to which I came, in the street I have portrayed as nice ever since I saw it for the first time, the street not loved by the city, in which square meters are cheap, yet beyond my reach until recently. Now when all this is here, the only thing left is to get down to work. Zen and art of brick wall gruting. Take one scoop of white cement, one scoop of river sand or so called “base”, mix in one fifth of white tile glue and water until the mixture has consistency of thick whipped cream. Let it stabilize for five minutes. Take grout float and margin trowel and off you go. You save the money you do not have; you find a master like no other in a city in which houses are built for tourists only, but then again there are no tourists, they just turned up but the virus… why would this master bother himself with bricks, inside, in a living room? Who would do it like that in times of Knauf? Metamorphosis. Home. I HAVE TWO SONS drew them chocolate smiles When you build a house for yourself and all your people, you move entirely into language. You cannot get away from it. I BUILD A HOUSE OPEN ITS frequency of house in my house and
balls growing up close to tears in front of
kindergartens of mom’s earthquakes caused by
phantomically amputated limbs
then suddenly they appear
carried by their beards mascaras
gouts haemorrhoids granulomas
bunions cataracts water on the knees
people come and come
their souls boundless free
spaces skirted by decomposing
bodies yet who can say that truth
ever comes out since a tongue is
the most downplayed organ of sight
yet a million times deadlier
I put 66 rockets on my back
carrying them through dark forest
each step measured by
the letter of natural law
66 rockets shrink my back ice
on them enters into my bent backbone
when I approach a rocket launcher
I am smaller than a water crystal
looking for my state of matter
and measuring
how much warmth there is in a simple
as desperation tin opener, always in
spring sun in a window could
change the course of a game if only an invisible
enemy had not been at the door
and when the house began to rearrange itself
desperation broke out of quarantine mutated
into paralysis and now raids raids as if
nothing in this world is of no worth
except for words that cannot be uttered
no cell phone spare pants if my
bowels let go before the border
my forest is not dark and strange
belly of a whale that digests dreams
like brackish water police
mad dogs and unforms do not run after me
and stumblingly fire
their guns no I am not that
migrant my migrations are exhausted
by horizons in which your look is poured over
ice cubes in a crystal glass
they are not existential
and I am slightly ashamed of them yet
if I exist only as an empty
groove for your head on my
shoulder my migrations are heavy as
a drop from your nose that time when you were leaving
woods are distant plants
accounting for only 10 per cent of oxygen
in gross national income
the rest comes from parliamentary corridors
smelling of fried onions
and righteous sweat
meat chopped for lunch
did not forget its bones
an excellent cornerstone for
lungs of taxpayers
losing the ground under their feet
between the fourth and the fifth rib
and little marmalade houses
my glance climbing up the rope as
spin spinning on the cerebral cortex
pin with an s
that will replace the maps
leading to that house across
backbones of remembering Gods
you damned ones all those make-believe
castles in the air in the sky
will be closed tomorrow
twenty-fifth chapter on
accession to union of oblivion
and distance to be
measured among us will be divided
into all children’s birthday parties
lighting candles as
fuses on sweet
where to hide is what interests me
when enemy attacks how
safe can you be flag of heart
open your true self check frequency
of you in yourself and think of
your hiding place in which lungs you are no more
in which transparent blood(stream)
it flows behind the house all made of
stream that tears down foundations undermines
many a stream in that stream!
a lot of earth in dark brick