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O Mediteranu bi bilo najpoštenije napisati esej. Riječ esej dolazi od francuske riječi essai, što znači pokušaj, a o Mediteranu se može jedino pokušati pisati, onako krajnje bezuspješno. Jer taj bi se tekst morao moći kušati i njušiti, morao bi se moći prisloniti na nepce i gledati na način razglednice; morao bi sadržavati sve one nijanse plavoga i zelenoga za koje u rječniku nema dovoljno riječi, a okom su vidljive. Moralo bi se u taj tekst moći zagaziti makar kao u morski plićak, moralo bi ga se moći čitati sa slušalicama u kojima zviždi maestral ili cvrči cvrčak ili se čuje neka druga onomatopeja koja nikad nije formulirana jer nije imala takve sreće s glasovima i riječima kakvu je imao onaj cvrčak iz pjesme. Takav je Mediteran – neopisiv u svakom pokušaju.

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  Heart at Ease

Translated by Tatjana Radmilo

Writing an essay on the Mediterranean would be the fairest thing to do. The term essay comes from a French word essai, meaning an attempt, and one can only attempt to write about the Mediterranean ad completely fail. Because people should be able to taste and smell such text, to rest it against their palates and observe it like a postcard. Such a text should contain all hues of blue and green, leaving even dictionaries at a lack for words. We should be able to walk into that text, at least as if stepping into shallow sea, we should be able to read it with mistral whistling and crickets’ chirping, coming to our ears through headphones. Or any other, never formulated onomatopoeia, because it was not so lucky with sounds and words, as the cricket from a well-known poem. That is what the Mediterranean is like — indescribable at any attempt of description.

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