Dragi čitatelju,

šaljem ti pismo iz Grčke. „Marija, gdje si ti to, i jesi li još uvijek tamo”, rečenica je kojom su me najčešće pozdravljali prijatelji u proteklih godinu dana. Nalazim se na obali Egejskog mora, između dva sela. Thanos i ja smo na osami i, uz malobrojne ljude koje srećemo kad odemo do Larisse, većinu prijatelja čine nam psi lutalice i samostalne, poludivlje mačke. Sve je počelo kao slučajnost, kao zaplet iz nekog romana – dvoje se ljudi upozna, zaljubi, ali ona je iz Hrvatske, on je iz Grčke. Odluče da će pola vremena provoditi u Hrvatskoj, pola u Grčkoj. Međutim, ubrzo se svijetom pročuje za neobičnu bolest koja se iz Kine počinje širiti Europom. I prije nego što se uspiju snaći, u lockdownu su, u Grčkoj, bez znanja o tome koliko će sve ovo trajati, hoće li ikad prestati, i kako će njihovi životi izgledati u sljedećih godinu dana.
Odlučili smo od svega pobjeći u izolaciju. Životi nam izgledaju dobro, relativno dobro, s obzirom na to što se trenutno događa oko nas, ali apsolutno dobro, s obzirom na ono kako je drugima, onima s manje izbora. Provela sam ovdje ljeto, jesen i zimu. Doživjela sam Mediteran na način na koji dosad nisam imala prilike.

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  Dear reader,

I am sending you a letter from Greece. “Marija, where are you and are you still there?” This is the sentence by which my friends have most often been greeting me for the last year. Thanos and myself are in a secluded place between the two villages at the Aegean seacoast and, except for a very few people that we meet when we go to Larissa, our circle of friends mostly consists of stray dogs and free-roaming, semi-feral cats. It all started by chance, like a novel plot — two people meet each other, fall in love, but she is from Croatia, he is from Greece. They decide to split their time between Croatia and Greece. But soon an unusual illness breaks out in China and starts spreading all over Europe. And before they manage to deal with it, they find themselves in lockdown, in Greece, not having the slightest idea about how long all this will last, if it will ever come to an end and what their lives are going to look like in the year to follow.
We decided to ran away from it all into isolation. Our lives look good; relatively good, in comparison with what currently goes on around us, and on the other hand absolutely good, considering what other people, with less choice, have to go through.

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