RENATO BARETIĆ  >  journalist and writer, making a living exclusively by writing since 1983;
> works periodically as a film and TV scriptwriter (film “Što je muškarac bez brkova”, TV series “Novo doba”, “Crno bijeli svijet” – seasons 2 and 3 – and “Dnevnik velikog Perice”), copywriter, author of questions for most popular TV quiz shows (“Kviskoteka”, “Who wants to be a millionaire?”, etc);
> working as a journalist, experienced the entire path of development, from the beginner in the section for news around the town, to reporter, TV-critic and political columnist, in most Croatian major newspapers Večernji list, Nedjeljna Dalmacija, Slobodna Dalmacija, Feral Tribune, Globus, Nacional, etc.); since 2012 freelancer;
> since 2014, instructor of creative writing in the Split-based “House of Creative Writing” and also all around Croatia, from high schools to prisons;
> member of the Croatian PEN Centre and Croatian Writers Society (“Hrvatsko društvo pisaca”), Croatian Freelance Artists Association (“Hrvatska zajednica samostalnih umjetnika”) and of cultural associations “Pričigin”, “Kurs” and “Bookvica”; used to be a member of the Croatian branch of Mensa (IQ 153), but was excluded due to regular non-payment of the membership subscription; used to be active as a co-leader of the movement for cultural revival of Croatian islands “Otoče, volim te” until its self-abolishment after the death of Zoran Franičević;
> attended one-month literary residency programmes in Belgium (Volezelle, 2007), Austria (Graz, 2009), Turkey (Istanbul, 2012), Germany (Berlin, 2014); North Macedonia (Skopje, 2017) and Slovenia (Novo Mesto, 2019).

> co-founder and, since 2007, art director of the popular story-telling festival “Pričigin” in Split;

> studied first political sciences and afterwards comparative literature and phonetics at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, where he applied for a graduation thesis from the field of stylistics (entitled “Autopoiesis of Ivan Slamnig”), but never wrote it; got enrolled to the Faculty of Political Sciences, Journalism Studies, but abandoned it soon after the payment of the fee and recognition of several examinations;
> used to work as a warehouse assistant, assistant repairman of household appliances, assistant tile-layer, sales agent, street stall seller and administrative clerk in a factory of textile machines;
> active knowledge of English; rather good knowledge of German; passive knowledge of Italian, French, Slovenian and Macedonian;
> hobbies: amateur playing and collecting of percussion instruments, amateur sailing, amateur photography;
> born in 1963 in Zagreb, permanently resident in Split since 1996. Married to Maja, father of two children, Katarina (born 1997) and Jakov (born 2004);



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