♦ 8. 05. / srijeda / 19.00h / Split, Knjižnica Dalmatina (Zagrebačka 4)
♦ 9. 05. / četvrtak / 18.00h / Čitaonica-knjižnica Slime
Gost projekta Bečka kavana austrijski je pisac Vladimir Vertlib
U suradnji s Austrijskim kulturnim forumom i Hrvatskim društvom pisaca, gostovanja smo proširili širom Splitsko-dalmatinske županije, pa ovog puta idemo u Slime.
♦ Dolaskom turističke sezone, događanje u Splitu premjestili smo u fascinantni ambijent Kazališne Kavane, a zatim i u knjižnicu Dalmatina, poetsko-glazbeni odjel GKMM-a sa spomen sobom Ljube Stipišića Delmate i kućnom bibliotekom Jakše Fiamenga – još jednom izvrsnom mjestu za provođenje multikulturalnog projekta Bečka kavana.
Kad se turisti vrate kućama, mi ćemo se vratiti na našu baznu lokaciju – najstariju splitsku kavanu, smještenu u srcu grada na Pjaci. Kavana Central kroz povijest je mijenjala imena, pa je tako na početku bila Botega di Kafe, pa Troccoli, Švicarska kavana, Cafe dei Signori, hotel Matić, Central…, kako su se mijenjali njeni voditelji i vlasnici. U svim promjenama, ostajala je kulturno, društveno i političko okupljalište koje je imalo i svoj Stol Splićana, Stol umjetnika i Stol mudraca na kojima su se raspravljala gradska zbivanja i krojila sudbina Splita. Najstarija splitska kavana sada je potpuno preuređena po uzoru na hotel Central iz Beča, a između ostalog, prva u svijetu poslužuje kavu iz jedne male bečke pržionice pod zaštitom UNESCO-a. Zbog posebnog ambijenta koji nudi u oživljavanju međunarodne tradicije, kavana Central bit će i središnje mjesto okupljanja i predstavljanja projekta Bečka kavana.
♦ Welcome to the website of the project Salon meets Agora: Literary Mapping of the Mediterranean. This project was initiated by the SpLitera cultural association from the Croatian city of Split and is being developed in cooperation with the Allianz Kulturstiftung and other partners.
The postcards from the coasts of the Mediterranean are gathered under the name Agora and those from other parts of Europe under the name Salon.
♦ Welcome to the website of the project Salon meets Agora: Literary Mapping of the Mediterranean. This project was initiated by the SpLitera cultural association from the Croatian city of Split and is being developed in cooperation with the Allianz Kulturstiftung and other partners.
♦ Originally, meetings of authors were planned in interesting coastal places in Croatia and Montenegro, but the pandemic changed the plans, and now we have turned the disadvantage into an advantage: Instead of just a few authors meeting in person to read and discuss their present-day vision of the Mediterranean, this website is being created to provide an overview of the situation on the Mediterranean as well as the current view of the Mediterranean from other parts of Europe.
We started to ask one after the other authors from different countries around the Mediterranean to write us virtual postcards, to read out the texts of these postcards and to make them available as videos, and also to illustrate them with their own photos.
And very soon we could convince ourselves that the idea was an excellent one:
actual texts and photos are produced that show this fascinating region in all its present vulnerability and glory. But authors from other areas are also concerned about the Mediterranean, and we want to offer them the opportunity to express themselves on this topic as well.
The postcards from the coasts of the Mediterranean are gathered under the name Agora and those from other parts of Europe under the name Salon.